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 Hi there, I'm Beth. I'm so glad you're here! 

I motivate Christian women to grow in the skill of confident and heart centered discernment 

As a HeartCore Leadership graduate and seasoned discernment coach for Christian women, my passion is to bring support and clarity through mindset coaching and actionable resources to women who desire to spend less time worrying and more time living in their purpose. 

Through my Woman Created & Called coaching programs, free downloadable resources, online workshops and YouTube channel, I've been able to connect with, support and empower women who are much deserving of investing in themselves and in their interior life. 

We women play many parts, and the work of raising a family and running a home in the modern world requires a lot of decision making. I want to support you as you grow in this skill and become a confident leader of your family and of your own life. 

Let's get to know each other...

I help Christian women intentionally SEEK, DISCERN and ACT on God’s will— from everyday challenges to God-sized dreams, and everything in between! I’m so happy you're here!

Wife... mom... Christian life coach... lover of faith, family, music and coffee... called to encourage and empower women, especially through the storms of life. Schedule your complimentary consultation to discover how coaching can help you be the woman you are created and called to be!

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Client Testimonial

"Beth reminded me to celebrate the wins before focusing on areas where I became distracted and ended up ignoring my commitments to myself. I’ve been able to take small steps toward “taking every thought captive” by being aware of, examining, and then determining if my thoughts are serving me. In the past I would do a thought download, but I missed the important next step of not just leaving it as another “to-do” list. 

Coaching has helped me understand that those tasks either deserve a place on my calendar, need delegation, or need to be removed from my mind. Thinking about the Advent season with its rich traditions usually makes me excited and also a bit overwhelmed, but this year has been filled with confidence and peace as I’ve been able to be present and focused!


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